- 離心機
- Z216M德國HERMLE桌上型微量高速離心機
- LAB-PC100迷你微量離心機(小烏龜)
- LAB-PC300迷你微量離心機(小烏龜)
- Z160M 德國HERMLE 小型微量高速離心機
- Z206A 德國HERMLE 桌上小型離心機
- Z233M2 德國HERMLE 微量高速離心機
- Z216MK 德國HERMLE 微量高速冷凍離心機
- Z306 德國HERMLE 桌上型離心機
- Z326 德國HERMLE 桌上型離心機
- Z326K 德國HERMLE 桌上型離心機(冷凍)
- Z32HK 德國HERMLE 泛用高速冷凍型離心機
- Z366 德國HERMLE 泛用高速桌上型離心機
- Z383 德國HERMLE 泛用大容量高速型離心機
- Z383K 德國HERMLE 泛用大容量高速冷凍型離心機
- Z400 德國HERMLE 泛用型離心機
- Z400K 德國HERMLE 泛用型冷凍離心機
- Z513K 德國HERMLE 泛用大容量高速冷凍型離心機
- Z513 德國HERMLE 泛用大容量高速型離心機
- Z36HK 德國HERMLE 泛用高速冷凍型離心機
- Z366K德國HERMLE高速大容量冷凍離心機
- Z446 德國HERMLE高速泛用型離心機
- Z446 K 德國HERMLE高速冷凍型離心機
- MG-7052 Mini Centrifuges 迷你微量離心機(小烏龜)
- MC-CUBEE Micro Centrifuge高速迷你離心機 ( 小烏龜 )
- 塑膠耗材
- 12/32孔-20゜C冷凍低溫操作保溫盒
- NBR手套
- 防爆夾
- 圓型冰桶 Ice Bucket
- 方型冰盆
- 塑膠比色槽 Standard Cell, PS
- 圓筒型真空乾燥器
- 塑膠真空乾燥器用配件
- 1.5ml microcentrifuge tube微量離心管
- 拋棄式塑膠滴管
- 拋棄式組織研磨棒
- 迷你手持式樣品研磨器
- 12孔-15゜C低溫保存盒(冰保)
- 塑膠比色槽UV用 PMMA
- 電穿孔試管Electroporation cuvettes
- 滅菌指示帶
- 20孔-20℃雙面低溫保存盒(冰保)
- 1.生物性廢棄物滅菌袋/高溫高壓滅菌袋
- 微量分注器置放架
- 冰碗、冰盤Ice bucket and ice pan
- 96孔PCR管低溫變色保冷盤盒
- 耗材- 鋁片
- 96 Wells ELISA Plate 96孔盤-酵素免疫分析用 50 pcs/cs
- Centrifuge Tubes 15ml 離心管15ML
- Centrifuge Tubes 50ml 離心管50ML
- Serological Pipette 拋棄式無菌塑膠吸管(已滅菌)
- Filter pipette tips 內濾式微量吸管尖(盒裝,已滅菌)
- 錫囊 Tin Capsules Pressed Standard Weight , 250/pk
- Sartolab®BT Bottle-Top Filters 無菌過濾杯
- Sartolab® RF Disposable Filteration system 無菌過濾杯含收集杯
- 分析軟體
- 一維電泳膠片分析軟體(原TL120)進階版 Phoretix 1D gel electrophore
- 二維電泳影像分析軟體(簡易版) Prodigy samespots 2D gel electroph
- 二維電泳影像分析軟體 Progenesis samespots 2D gel electrophor
- 一維電泳膠片分析軟體(原TL100) TotalLab Quant 1D gel electroph
- 二維螢光染色電泳影像分析軟體Samespots Single User Licence inc DIGE
- 二維宿主細胞蛋白(HCP)覆蓋率分析軟體 SpotMap Single User Licence
- 膠片影像分析
- 數位式核酸電泳分析系統DigiGel 10
- DI-01簡易型數位照膠系統Digimage System
- UVDI數位式凝膠照像系統
- UVCI 40萬畫素CCD凝膠照像系統
- UVCI 140/200萬畫素CCD凝膠照像系統
- DGIS-11c DigiGel ( Digital Gel Image system) 數位式核酸電泳分析系統
- VGIS-4 Video Gel Image system for computer control & software analysis 核酸影像分析系統
- MUV-IMG-CA經濟型數位式相機照膠系統 SmartView Simple Imager System
- MS-MUVB-111-CP-02 紫外光及藍光多功能膠體觀察箱
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Masterflex L/S Easy-Load pump head for precision tubing 幫浦頭
l Ideal for fast tubing changes and reduced maintenance
l Patented design and adjustable tubing retention allow for multiple tubing sizes—change tubing without removing head from drive.
l Polysulfone (PSF) housing with either stainless steel (SS) or cold-rolled steel (CRS) rotor—choose CRS for economy or SS for greater durability and chemical resistance.
l Model 07518-60 with polyphenylene sulfide (PPS) housing and SS rotor offers enhanced chemical resistance.
l Each pump head for precision pump tubing accepts tubing sizes L/S® 13, L/S® 14, L/S® 16, L/S® 25, L/S® 17, and L/S® 18. Achieve flow rates of 0.06 to 2300 mL/min (1 to 600 rpm).
What''s included: single-channel mounting hardware and a 15" (38-cm) length of silicone pump tubing.
Two-, three-, and four-channel mounting hardware is available separately under "Accessories" at right. Stack pump heads up to the specified limits of your L/S® drive.
Hot Tips:
With single or multiple channels, you can change tubing in each channel without removing the EASY-LOAD pump head(s) from your drive!
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