- 離心機
- Z216M德國HERMLE桌上型微量高速離心機
- LAB-PC100迷你微量離心機(小烏龜)
- LAB-PC300迷你微量離心機(小烏龜)
- Z160M 德國HERMLE 小型微量高速離心機
- Z206A 德國HERMLE 桌上小型離心機
- Z233M2 德國HERMLE 微量高速離心機
- Z216MK 德國HERMLE 微量高速冷凍離心機
- Z306 德國HERMLE 桌上型離心機
- Z326 德國HERMLE 桌上型離心機
- Z326K 德國HERMLE 桌上型離心機(冷凍)
- Z32HK 德國HERMLE 泛用高速冷凍型離心機
- Z366 德國HERMLE 泛用高速桌上型離心機
- Z383 德國HERMLE 泛用大容量高速型離心機
- Z383K 德國HERMLE 泛用大容量高速冷凍型離心機
- Z400 德國HERMLE 泛用型離心機
- Z400K 德國HERMLE 泛用型冷凍離心機
- Z513K 德國HERMLE 泛用大容量高速冷凍型離心機
- Z513 德國HERMLE 泛用大容量高速型離心機
- Z36HK 德國HERMLE 泛用高速冷凍型離心機
- Z366K德國HERMLE高速大容量冷凍離心機
- Z446 德國HERMLE高速泛用型離心機
- Z446 K 德國HERMLE高速冷凍型離心機
- MG-7052 Mini Centrifuges 迷你微量離心機(小烏龜)
- MC-CUBEE Micro Centrifuge高速迷你離心機 ( 小烏龜 )
- 塑膠耗材
- 12/32孔-20゜C冷凍低溫操作保溫盒
- NBR手套
- 防爆夾
- 圓型冰桶 Ice Bucket
- 方型冰盆
- 塑膠比色槽 Standard Cell, PS
- 圓筒型真空乾燥器
- 塑膠真空乾燥器用配件
- 1.5ml microcentrifuge tube微量離心管
- 拋棄式塑膠滴管
- 拋棄式組織研磨棒
- 迷你手持式樣品研磨器
- 12孔-15゜C低溫保存盒(冰保)
- 塑膠比色槽UV用 PMMA
- 電穿孔試管Electroporation cuvettes
- 滅菌指示帶
- 20孔-20℃雙面低溫保存盒(冰保)
- 1.生物性廢棄物滅菌袋/高溫高壓滅菌袋
- 微量分注器置放架
- 冰碗、冰盤Ice bucket and ice pan
- 96孔PCR管低溫變色保冷盤盒
- 耗材- 鋁片
- 96 Wells ELISA Plate 96孔盤-酵素免疫分析用 50 pcs/cs
- Centrifuge Tubes 15ml 離心管15ML
- Centrifuge Tubes 50ml 離心管50ML
- Serological Pipette 拋棄式無菌塑膠吸管(已滅菌)
- Filter pipette tips 內濾式微量吸管尖(盒裝,已滅菌)
- 錫囊 Tin Capsules Pressed Standard Weight , 250/pk
- Sartolab®BT Bottle-Top Filters 無菌過濾杯
- Sartolab® RF Disposable Filteration system 無菌過濾杯含收集杯
- 分析軟體
- 一維電泳膠片分析軟體(原TL120)進階版 Phoretix 1D gel electrophore
- 二維電泳影像分析軟體(簡易版) Prodigy samespots 2D gel electroph
- 二維電泳影像分析軟體 Progenesis samespots 2D gel electrophor
- 一維電泳膠片分析軟體(原TL100) TotalLab Quant 1D gel electroph
- 二維螢光染色電泳影像分析軟體Samespots Single User Licence inc DIGE
- 二維宿主細胞蛋白(HCP)覆蓋率分析軟體 SpotMap Single User Licence
- 膠片影像分析
- 數位式核酸電泳分析系統DigiGel 10
- DI-01簡易型數位照膠系統Digimage System
- UVDI數位式凝膠照像系統
- UVCI 40萬畫素CCD凝膠照像系統
- UVCI 140/200萬畫素CCD凝膠照像系統
- DGIS-11c DigiGel ( Digital Gel Image system) 數位式核酸電泳分析系統
- VGIS-4 Video Gel Image system for computer control & software analysis 核酸影像分析系統
- MUV-IMG-CA經濟型數位式相機照膠系統 SmartView Simple Imager System
- MS-MUVB-111-CP-02 紫外光及藍光多功能膠體觀察箱
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GeneDireX UltraScence Pico Plus Western Substrate/ HRP 酵素冷光試劑產品編號 F052 Catalog Number Unit Size Reactions CCH321-B100ML 50ml x 2 CCH321-004ML 2 ml x 2
The UltraScence Pico Plus Western Substrate, as a luminol-based enhanced chemiluminescent substrate, is sensitive and compatible with conducting immunoblots with horseradish peroxidase (HRP) – conjugated secondary antibodies. The low picogram or high femtogram detection of antigen is enabled by UltraScence Pico Plus Western Substrate’s excellent sensitivity and long signal duration. Further, its long chemiluminescent signal duration makes both digital and film-based imaging possible without any loss of the signal. Appropriate primary and secondary antibody dilutions are suggested for attaining optimal signal intensity and duration.
Feature - No optimization required. Switching to the UltraScence Pico Plus Western Substrate from other brands, such as Thermo Scientific™ SuperSignal™ Pico Plus and Bio-Rad™ Clarity™, does not require optimization or protocol changes.
- High degree of sensitivity and enhanced chemiluminescence duration. - Optimized for use with PVDF and nitrocellulose membranes. - Compatible with Western Blotting Markers. - Optimized for film and CCD-based imaging.
Chemiluminescent Development 1. Keep the membrane moist in the wash buffer while preparing the substrate mixture. Make sure the membrane does not dry out in the next steps. 2. The chemiluminescent substrate solution is sufficiently stirred to prepare the 0.1ml of solution / cm2 of the membrane. - For a small membrane (7 x 8.5 cm), 4 ml of solution is sufficient. - For a medium-sized membrane (8.5 x 135 cm), 10 ml of solution is sufficient. 3. Place the membrane on a clean, flat surface or in a clean container. 4. Remove the membrane from the chemiluminescent substrate solution and drain the excess solution. 5. Place the membrane in a plastic sheet protector or plastic wrap to prevent the film from drying out. 6. Imaging the membrane with a digital imager or by exposure to the X-ray film.
The membrane was probed with a 1:10000 dilution of β-actin antibody (GTX109639) and then serially diluted HeLa whole cell lysates were prepared using a rabbit IgG IgG HRP conjugated secondary antibody (GTX213110-01, 1:10,000). , and apply in electrophoresis and protein transfer. The same blot was incubated with 5 ml of UltraScence Pico Plus Western substrate (CCH321-B100ML). Blots were simultaneously exposed for 10 seconds, 30 seconds and 60 seconds using a UVP BIO SPECTRUM-AC digital imaging system.
ELIZA Application UltraScence WB substrates can also be applied as ELISA substrates.
Table of Correspondence
Product Name: UltraScence Pico Plus Western substrate
相關下載 1. GeneDireX_CCH321-B100ML_Protocol 2. GeneDireX UltraScence Western Substrate Series – Solution A_SDS 3. GeneDireX UltraScence Western Substrate Series – Solution B_SDS